Friday, 30 March 2012

Simplistic Downloads

Downloads:      -You have 2 options for downloading, one which directly goes to the download page
                          The second option is going to the same links but with 5 seconds of ads to support me a little,
                          this thing will ALWAYS be your choice.
                         Direct links are provided first, for supportive links Scroll a bit down.

Direct links:
                  -Simplistic Pure Stock (XWLP4):    Link 1 (
                 -Simplistic Stock Disaster:  Google Docs

                 -Simplistic Lite Edition:   Google Docs
                                                       Mirror 1 (mediafire)
                                                      Update Pack 1 (Google Docs)  Press CTRL + S to download
                                                      Update Pack 1 (Mediafire) (Up!)

Supportive links:
                  -Simplistic Pure Stock (XWLP4):    Link 1 (


                 -Simplistic Lite Edition:   Google Docs
                                                       Mirror 1 (mediafire)  

                                                       Update Pack 1 (Google Docs) Press CTRL + S to download
                                                       Update Pack 1 (Mediafire) (Up!)


  1. Outstanding! I've written over 20 pages for one of my reports in the last 3 days (it's now over 50!) and gotten some programming work done...
    Sooo, I think I will probably make time to do a full wipe and test out the SD and LE versions over the weekend! I'll let you know my thoughts and feelings either here or there.

    1. Anxiously awaiting the supportive links to post! ;D

  2. Your comments are always appreciated, hope you'll like it.
    And get some rest man :P

  3. Thank you! I'll flash it in a few hours, can't wait!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. sorry i made a mistake and flashed another rom by accident :S
    ill flash your rom and give it a test. looking forward for it :)
    thanks for the extra hard work you/re doing guys. keep it :D

  6. i´ve your stock deodexed lpQ.Can i install simplistic lite lp3 there? or i need flash stock lp3 before?

  7. Hey tnx for ur gr8 rom .
    will test it soooon :D
    Here r my mirrors if anyone needs them : ( direct links 4 ur ip address up to 200hrs ! - 293.5 MB

    Simplistic_Disaster_I - 377.1 MB

  8. Hey Legend,

    Thanks for the amazing lite rom once again. Great work you're doing there :)

    Some minor issues though:
    Google Mail is not working.

    5 Toggle Statusbar, though the poll clearly won for 6 toggles

    Things I like,
    Theme!! (though I think the toggle indicators shouldnt be cut off)
    Scrolling Speed, WOW!!
    Custom Simplistic Settings. (Maybe you can bring the 5/6 Toggles option in here via update?)

    1. Ok, uninstalling GMail with TiBckp and downloading and reinstalling it, solved the problem.

    2. Yeah I know, forgot completely about the poll -.-, toggle addons will be coming soon, 5/6 toggles are nearly impossible due to the absence of their source code, anyway I'll be porting AOKP toggles instead.

  9. hey legend i´m in your lite edition and my camera don´t work.
    can you help me?

  10. @Leetsch are you using the revised version?

    1. i´m came from your rc8 and installed your Simplistic Lite i think it is the revised version?

  11. Hi.
    Great work. Best so far.
    But one problem, my CSC says unknown, so i dont have any predictive text, i dont have XT9 function!!
    Please Help.....

  12. i found a couple of bugs. After a couple of restarts the status bar disappears ccompletely and only comes back afyer a couple of restarts

  13. How can i disable crt off animation? the screen flashes after lock the screen. Thanx for the best ics rom.

  14. I solved the Statusbar by sending a message to myself, or by unmounting sdcard since both show a notification and refreshs the statusbar.
    I also solved the predictive text by downloading a 3rd party ics keyboard with its languages.

    Things to do in your next ITERATION.
    *NEVER REMOVE Samsungs own browser, since its faster than google's stock.
    *Add AOSP Lockscreen
    *Add AOSP Calender

    I tried more 20 roms out there.
    Yours so far is THE BESTTTT.. I'm definitely keeping it as my main rom

    1. I had the statusbar issue too, but mine repaired itself, maybe because of play store update notification or something like that.

  15. Hi Legend. Great work! - Again :] No Wipe worked perfectly - it took me 5 minutes to enjoy your new ROM - upgrade went fantastically! One thing happened - my Gmail was crashing. But... wiped his data too and now it's just fine! :]
    Still, one think still bugs me - I thought it happened in previous ROMs due to the worse versions of official releases of ICS for SGS2 - its the Screen-off animation. Sometimes the screen turns off so slow when the animation is over I can still see my desktop dimming. It's like the off-animation is too fast (or the screen-off to slow), and it just looks uncool. Is there anything that can be done? I don't know if it might be connected but I use Nova Launcher.

  16. Hey man , I wanted to flash your rom and was wondering if it still has all the fetures of the old and we can just update it.. I am still using Version 7. Please let me know which one I should download and root from the links provided above..


  17. Top!! Certainly after UP1... fantastic job Legend!

  18. Hello and thanks for your work, I wanted to ask if it was possible to disable the prompt closing application "management activities'"

    1. Can you change language to english and retake the screenshot please :)?

  19. Hi Legend. Sr, me again. For the future - what is the best way to give u any feedback about the rom (bugs, problems etc.)?
    The thing is - ringtone notification disappeared. I don't know if my vibrations are on or rigtone+vibration or is it silent. Anyone with same problem? Pls, look into that. The ROM is extremely fast! Maybe its just me, but I feel like games are performing much better. Still, battery life concerns me a bit - I have it just for a day but I lost more % than I used to with RC8. OF course I'll first try to wipe battery stats and test if for more time. Cheers

  20. I have a problem with the phone. When I connect to the PC, windows says that not recognized the device.

  21. Hello all ...

    I am very interested in trying the stock ROM but after being on CM9 with 182dpi it is very hard to run the stock launcher at 240. Has anyone been able to keep the look of the stock rom/launcher but change the DPI to 182? I tried this but of course the twlauncher doesn't fill the screen. I don't want to install Nova or Apex as it looses the stock look

  22. Have you flashed the last version of LE Rev ?

  23. Thanks for the great work, just a few things:

    1. screen seems over sensitive, I im usually flitting about all over the place (browsing web pages, lists, when choosing words auto-suggested by keyboard). maybe we can have a setting for smoothing out touch input?
    2. Love the middle position clock in the notification bar, can we also have it in 12-hr format (with AM/PM)?
    3. Gallery crashes when choosing home/lockscreen wallpaper. default lockscreen wallpaper is shrunk horizontally (the purple circles appear as oblongs), sorry for nitpicking, just I'm unable to change it due to gallery crash.

    Maybe as flashable addons? Thanks!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Wow, just flashed Update 1 pack, and renders 2 of my points moot :)

      Just the hyper sensitivity remaining now, thanks for the great ROM!

  24. Anyone else having an issue with voice input? No icon on stock KB despite settings and even with the ics keyboard, nothing happens when I hit the mic key.

  25. Good job Legend! The only problem that i faced is where i cannot use my PAPAGO x5 :(

  26. Dear all, as someone been having issues switching on WIFI with simplistic LE I (update pack 1)? Sometimes, when I toggle wifi on, it freezes. It doesn't connect itself and I cannot turn it off. Also when the screen goes off, the phone is unresponsive. When I reboot, it just goes back to normal... Until it freezes again. Anyone? Thanks in advance.

    1. Use the Advanced settings from this WLAN network to change the IP-address from DHCP to manual. That fixed it for me.

    2. Updated siyah kernel and no issues with wifi! Thanks nonetheless.

  27. Any idea how I can replace the standard NOVA Laucher with the NOVA Prime version? It seems that I cannot install the Prime version over that standard version 'an existing package with the same name and conflicting sign has already been installed'...

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hey there, it is a kernel problem :), try updating siyah kernel.

  29. got a silly question.... how do i update Siyah kernal?
    pls give me idiot proof steps cos i am pretty new at this... tks!

  30. hi mate,

    can you add AOSP falashable mods, it would be the best rom,

    thankssssssssss alot

  31. This Rom is dead need to say goodbye. :-(

    1. aaaaand who said that ;)

  32. Hey there, your rom is great! But it's quite frustrating sometimes. When I tick a box or change something in the settings, it would undo itself once I press back. I have to do multiple restarts to solve the problem. I'm using neak kernel. Is it a kernel problem? Please help. I really want to stay on this rom.
